↑ 历史码头步道Historic Pier Walk
The promenade will front the Historic Piers and encourage strolling, sitting, and informal gathering to complement the nearby commercial uses.
↑ 联合街码头Union Street Pier
Union Street Pier will be a flexible, open and vibrant space with unobstructed views of the bay, used for a variety of activities from kids play to
programmed events and performances.
↑ 可持续性 Sustainability
The waterfront is located between two ecological communities - riparian and intertidal. The Seattle Waterfront design enhances this ecotone, and
improves the connection between them.
↑ 滨水区艺术 Art on the Waterfront
The Waterfront Art Plan develops a multipronged approach for art on the Central Seattle Waterfront. It considers the history of the site as a working
waterfront, the physical conditions of its location along the shores of Elliott Bay and its role as part of Seattle's evolving urban and cultural landscape.