As part of the Park District’s sustainable guidelines diesel lawn mowers are being replaced with propane mowers that reduce harmful emissions from their maintenance
operations (GUD 1.1).
The Park District has also started using stormwater mitigation practices in the design of their comfort stations. This station collects stormwater from the roof and a patio
covered in permeable pavers and uses it to flush toilets (GUD 1.1).
When a private utility wanted to locate the largest urban solar power plant in Chicago, some suggested the lakefront. City staff recommended locating the plant on a publicly-
owned, vacant parcel zoned for industrial use, a more appropriate site (GUD 15.1).
Environmental profile maps, such as this one illustrating elevated surface temperatures were developed for Chicago's 77 community areas (GUD Action 17.1). These maps
can be used to measure future progress and identify areas for investment in solutions.